ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free

ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free

ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free
We use the same grading scale that CGC uses. Here is the Standardized CGC Scale for your reference. Near-Mint/Mint (Sometimes referred to as M-). For complete info regarding each grade, please refer to CGC main website.

______ ___ _________ __ ___________. Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or Anything else pertaining to this listing or any of our other listings? We will reply in a timely manner usually within 24 hours.

Are handled with extreme care. Single comics, and/or comic lots. You can even combine comics with any of our hardcover or paperback books! Please, make sure you leave your items in your "cart" until you are ready to. (Unless otherwise requested by customer). This helps to cover the supplies we use i. New bags/boards, Gemini mailer, wrap, printer ink, etc. However, we also try to price all our items very competitively, and on par with what other sellers are asking for similar items. This rate will go up until it reaches. Which is equal to 10 or more comics... (10+ Comics) ALSO, you will automatically receive.

This applies to comics, paperbacks, and hardcover books... We handle this kind of situation at our discretion and based on the circumstances.

When listing comics is intentionally on the. If a comic is in a solid 9.0, I would still intentionally list it as an 8.5 - just to be on the safe side of the inherent subjectivity that exists within the grading spectrum from one individual to the next. Also extremely accurate (in MHO, but mostly from 30+ years of experience). If you need more convincing, I can provide customer testimony from previous sales. In every single instance, the feedback I received was exceptional and most customers felt as though I was either spot on or even too conservative in my grading! In short, you can expect that any comics I sell will be of the condition advertised. If you believe otherwise, contact me ASAP so we can resolve any issues! So I understand how particular we can be about condition! If I sell something in NEW condition, I expect it back in NEW condition! I will do my best to remember to remind you.

On STANDARD LOTS , SPECIALS, or CUSTOM-LOTS. We will need to inspect the item(s) in order to match up any serial number(s), or part numbers, etc.

(Which we do keep on file). DOA (Dead on Arrival) Items will automatically qualify for an. For an item that is either identical, or remarkably similar in type and function. To electronics, PCs, computer components, etc. (See below for more info).

In the event an item is DOA, we would first attempt to send an exact replacement. If we do not have an exact replacement, we will then offer you a replacement item of equal value and of approximate or equal function. If you receive a GPU and it is DOA, we are not going to offer you a PlayStation or a Power Supply as a replacement. However, in the event we cannot offer an exact replacement, nor could we find a suitable secondary replacement - we would give you the option to have the DOA item replaced by anything in our inventory if it is of equal value and if you approve of it.

Operating Manuals, Owner's Manuals, Printed Instructions, etc. We Can't - so We Don't! Electronic devices, Gaming Systems, PC Hardware, etc. Make sure you follow their instructions if required to register your product or create an account at their website. As always, we welcome your feedback, questions, comments, and/or concerns.
ASM vol. 01 Giant-Size RUN #1, #2, #3 Marvel Bronze Age Comics Ships Free

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